Discipling Our High Schoolers
Rejoicing in the real and irresistible Jesus isn’t just a church thing. It’s not just a Sunday morning thing. It’s a whole life thing—encompassing home and school and community and every imaginable sphere of life. It’s what we were made for.
That’s why high school ministry at NPC exists. To help high schoolers live into this glorious purpose of rejoicing in Christ, in all of his matchless beauty.
Along the way, we’ll press into the new community that Christ creates. That community isn’t a clique based on popularity or athletic prowess or any other human identity factor. It’s a community that grows out of the gospel.
Youth Group
Our goal in youth group is to provide a fun, safe, gospel-centered community where students can let their guard down and worship the Lord through games, songs, and study. We hope that our students find this to be a great space to invite their friends to also rejoice in Jesus. Youth group resumes on January 12, 2025.
Bible Study
Our Bible study is for high school students seeking to go deeper in their faith. Our hope is that students feel safe to ask questions and encounter the real and irresistible Jesus as we look at and study his word. Bible study meets Wednesday nights from 6-7:45 p.m. Dinner is included each week. Bible study will resume on January 15, 2025.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday morning worship is the beating heart of the Christian life. That's why our students join in our corporate worship. In addition to corporate worship, on Sunday mornings during fall and spring, we work through foundational biblical and theological truths. Class starts again on January 12, 2025.
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