The gospel isn’t to be cordoned off to an hour a week on Sunday mornings. The gospel—the truth of God’s free grace in Christ—transforms every dimension of our lives. God’s transforming grace in the gospel isn’t a shallow pool that barely gets our feet wet. It’s an ocean that we can never hit bottom on. Our women’s ministry at NPC seeks to help the women of the church dive ever deeper into the unsearchable riches of God’s grace in Christ (Ephesians 3:8), living out our unique calling as women, so that our hearts would be flooded with the very joy of Christ himself.

Women's Bible Study

NPC offers Bible studies during fall and spring, with the option to attend on Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Kid's Club is an early childhood class for walkers through preschoolers, available on Thursday mornings only.


Steadfast: A Devotional Bible Study on the Book of James by Courtney Doctor

Join us as we study the book of James this fall. We will spend 10 weeks together in a guided personal Bible study, with teachings and group discussions.

Faithfulness regardless of our circumstances. That's what it means to be steadfast. But in a world where so much can undermine our faith or pull us off track, steadfastness is often a rare and elusive trait. James longs for his readers to be steadfast. His letter meets us in our suffering and sickness, our trials and temptations, our wealth and poverty, our ups and downs. He confronts our sin, our speech, and our pride. He encourages believers to have a more resilient and concrete faith; not just to hear the word, but to do it. He calls us to persevere in truth in a world of lies, to see that God's steadfast love is ultimately the source of our steadfast faith. 

Sign up to join us on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 at NPC or in a virtual setting, or on Thursday mornings at NPC from 9:30-11:05. Early childhood classes are available on Thursday mornings.

Women in Prayer

Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. He longs to hear what is on our hearts. Come join other women and pray for our church and her ministries. Meeting schedule: first and third Tuesday of each month, 9:30 a.m., in the den.

Women's Ministry Care Team

The Care Team ministry comprises volunteers who want to provide encouragement and support to anyone in the NPC family. Some examples of the tangible types of support provided: babysitting, taking meals to someone, cooking freezer meals for future use, cleaning, and providing transportation. Contact the Care Team if you or someone you know needs assistance. 

If you wish to support the Care Team in their efforts, complete the online form.

Titus 2 Discipleship [T2D]

Titus 2 Discipleship groups consist of 6-10 women who meet once a month to share, pray, and learn together. Each group has 1-2 facilitators. Though registration occurs each year, groups stay together for two (but no more than three) years to allow for deeper discipleship and richer relationships. There are various group offerings including: daytime, evenings, and Saturday mornings. Learn more and register here.


View the events calendar for other opportunities to connect with NPC ministries. Subscribe to women's ministry emails.