Discipling Our Children
No less than adults, we want the littlest ones among us to rejoice in the real and irresistible Jesus. Not merely to know him as the answer to a Sunday school question, nor to know about him as if by memorizing the stats on the back of his baseball card. But to see his matchless beauty, to taste the sweetness of his boundless grace to sinners, to take refuge in his unshakable promises. In short, to rejoice in him as the never-failing friend and Savior for sinners and sufferers.
Toward that end, we welcome our children in worship, because we want them to join with us as we sing God’s praises, hear his voice in the reading and preaching of his Word, and seek his help in prayer. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). So we want them to be with us, and to see us, their parents along with the whole church, worshiping God corporately.
Children’s ministry at NPC seeks to come alongside parents as they disciple their children, providing support, encouragement, and resources. In this way, we hope to see family and church together nurture our children toward a deep, genuine, vibrant faith in Christ.
Class age designations in children's ministry are listed below and are consistent across all ministry events:
- Mustard Seeds | Children born on or after September 1, 2022.
- Sprouts | Must be 2/3 yrs. before September 1, 2024.
- Saplings | Must be 4/5 yrs. before September 1, 2024.
- Oaks | Must be 6/7 yrs. before September 1, 2024.
- Sequoias | Must be 8/9/10 yrs. before September 1, 2024.
Sunday Mornings
We believe in the value of having our covenant children with us in worship. Every age is welcome to participate in worship on Sunday morning with their families as part of our covenant community. On Sunday mornings we do offer early childhood classes for Mustard Seeds, Sprouts, and Saplings during 8:30 am and 10:45 am services. Oaks will join their families in worship and have the option of dismissing to class during the sermon. Sequoias will remain in worship for its entirety.
Discipleship classes are held between services from 9:50-10:30 am. These classes are available for all ages tailored to help them grow in the grace, knowledge and love of Jesus.
Our electronic check-in system for all ages is in the children’s ministry lobby. Please stop by a few minutes early to sign in and print security tags for any children birth through 7 years old (before 9/1/24) that will be attending class during the service. You can also download the Church Center app and set up a profile from home. You can then check your children into class before you even leave home! A QR code will be provided for quick use at the kiosk to print security tags when you arrive. If visiting with us for the first time, please allow a little extra time to complete our visitor form.
The safety of our children is of utmost importance to us. There are always at least two background checked adults in each classroom. Follow this link for a detailed look at our safety, health, and security procedures.
Mid-Week Bible Study
In addition to Sundays, we offer a weekly mid-week Bible study for Oaks and Sequoias. We’ll dig into God’s Word, incorporating Scripture, music, and skits. Join us this winter as we look at the goodness and sovereignty of God in the life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). Register here.
Thursday Morning Kid's Club
On Thursday mornings, preschoolers attend Kid’s Club while moms attend Bible study. At Kid’s Club, children hear a true story from the Bible, participate in music, play together, create a craft, and have a snack together. This is a time that children are discipled and grow in their faith even at a young age. This class is for Mustard Seeds and Saplings (children not yet walking will stay with mom) and must be registered to attend. Registration is open for the winter/spring 2025 term here. Space may be limited.
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